Effective Psoriasis Treatment with Dermalux Tri-Wave MD

Treating Psoriasis with Dermalux Tri-Wave MD Psoriasis is a skin condition where new skin cells are produced at an accelerated rate, leading to their rapid accumulation on the skin’s surface. At a recognised skin clinics, Psoriasis can be treated successfully with Dermalux Tri-WaveMD Your browser does not support the video…

Treating Psoriasis with Dermalux Tri-Wave MD

Psoriasis is a skin condition where new skin cells are produced at an accelerated rate, leading to their rapid accumulation on the skin’s surface. At a recognised skin clinics, Psoriasis can be treated successfully with Dermalux Tri-WaveMD

Understanding Psoriasis

Under normal circumstances, new skin cells form in the deep layers of your skin, gradually moving up to the surface over three to four weeks before shedding. In individuals with psoriasis, this process is significantly sped up, taking only three to seven days. This rapid turnover results in immature cells piling up on the skin’s surface, causing scaly, flaky, and crusty patches.

psoriasis treatment with dermalux tri wave

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disorder that manifests as red, itchy, and scaly patches on the skin. It occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy skin cells, leading to a rapid increase in skin cell production.

Causes of Psoriasis

Genetic Predisposition: Psoriasis often runs in families. If you have a family member with psoriasis, your risk is higher. However, the exact genetic mechanisms are still not fully understood, and having the genes linked to psoriasis doesn’t necessarily mean you will develop the condition.

Immune System: Normally, the immune system protects against illness and infection. In psoriasis, T-cells, which typically fight off germs, mistakenly attack healthy skin cells. This triggers a faster production of new skin cells, perpetuating the cycle of psoriasis.

Environmental Triggers: Various factors can trigger psoriasis, including stress, skin injuries, infections like strep throat, certain medications, and extreme weather conditions. Lifestyle factors such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can also exacerbate the condition.


Dermalux Tri-Wave MD and Near-Infrared Light Therapy

The Dermalux Tri-Wave MD is a cutting-edge device that uses near-infrared (NIR) light therapy to treat psoriasis by targeting the deeper layers of the skin.

Dermalux Tri Wave MD LED Light Therapy

What Makes Dermalux Tri-Wave MD So Effective

Deep Penetration: NIR light, with its longer wavelengths, penetrates deeply into the skin, reaching the dermis and even subcutaneous layers. This allows it to effectively target the root causes of psoriasis, such as inflammation and abnormal cell growth.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Psoriasis is characterised by inflammation. NIR light reduces inflammation by inhibiting specific inflammatory markers and cytokines at the cellular level, thereby alleviating one of the primary symptoms of psoriasis.

Cellular Repair and Regeneration: NIR light promotes cellular repair by increasing ATP production, which speeds up healing and normalises skin cell growth. This can help correct the rapid cell turnover associated with psoriasis. Research had shown that specific LED light photo therapy accelerates tissue repair and may normalise the accelerated skin cell growth that occurs with Psoriasis.

Increased Blood Flow: Improved circulation significanly helps in the healing process above and below the dermis of the skin. NIR light helps dilate blood vessels, enhancing blood flow to the areas of Psoriasis,. This process facilitates nutrient delivery and waste removal, whilst supporting tissue repair and regeneration.

Dermalux-Tri-Wave-LED and Psoriasis-on-hands - courtesy of Fiji clinic with permission

Benefits of Dermalux Tri-Wave MD

Non-invasive: Ideal for those who prefer to avoid medications or injections. It is chemical free, no touching of the skin, totally painless (in fact many clients fall asleep whilst lying on the couch during the 20 mins Tri-Wave treatment).

No side effects: Dermalux is a gentle, non-invasive treatment with no reported side effects from over 1700 clinical studies.

Skin types: Suitable for all skin types.

Proven: Scientifically tested and clinically proven.

Convenience: Quick sessions with no downtime.

Complementary treatment: Can be used alongside other treatments for a holistic approach.

Mood: Proven to help relax the mind, generate posivity and enhance one’s mood.

Treatment Recommendations

Typically, 8 to 12 Tri-Wave MD treatments are recommended, with two sessions per week. After the initial course, progress will be evaluated, and additional treatments may be suggested if necessary. The benefits of Dermalux Tri-Wave MD are cumulative, making it advantageous to schedule sessions in close succession. The number of treatments required for optimal results can vary based on factors such as age, skin type, severity of the condition, lifestyle, and other treatments being used.

One treatment instantly energises skin cells to revitalise a dull and tired complexion. A course of treatment (we recommend 12 sessions for specific skin conditions) offers long-lasting, visible results, stimulating the skin’s natural rejuvenation and repair processes to speed up cell renewal, resolve problem skin conditions and promote vibrant, healthy-looking skin.

Dermalux-LED light therapy before and Psoriasis

Treatment Frequency

For inflammatory conditions like acne, redness, and sensitive skin, it is advisable to have a 24-hour gap between treatments, scheduling sessions every other day. For general skin rejuvenation, daily treatments can be undertaken without the need for a 24-hour interval.

Course Frequency

The effects of Dermalux Tri-Wave treatments can last for several weeks after the completion of a treatment course. To maintain and prolong these results, regular maintenance treatments are recommended as part of an ongoing skin health program.


Mudigonda T, Dabade TS, et al. “A review of targeted ultraviolet B phototherapy for psoriasis.” J Am Acad Dermatol. 2012;66(4):664-72.

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