Seborrhoeic Keratosis

Seborrhoeic Keratosis

Seborrhoeic Keratosis – Beaconsfield

At Skin Revision we offer you the most effective treatments for Seborrhoeic Keratosis. We offer either medical grade CryoPen or Plaxel Plasma spray.  CryoPen emits targeted pressurised nitrous oxide as a fine jet, at minus 89 degrees that kills of the cell membrane causing the lesion to die and ultimately fall off. The heat cauterisation of the Plasma spray ionised gases, causes the cell membrane of the lesion to rupture the relevant cells and cut off their blood supply.

What is Seborrheic Keratosis?

Seborrhoeic Keratosis is a common non-cancerous skin growth that typically appears as a brown, black or tan lesion on the skin’s surface. The cause of the legion is generally related to genetics or sun exposure and will become increasingly more prominent as the skin ages.

Seborrhoeic Keratosis lesions can occur on various parts of the body. The most common areas affected include the face, neck, chest, shoulders, back, and scalp.

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Seborrhoeic Keratosis

Seborrheic Keratosis treatment in Beaconsfield?

Your treatment with CryoPen or Plasma are both non-invasive procedures that require no cutting, stitching, or anesthesia. The targeted lesions are sprayed directly on to the affected area, minimising damage to surrounding healthy tissue.

Is the treatment painful?

While you may experience mild discomfort during the freezing or Plasma treatment process, However, as the both methods of treatment are targeted with precision, no area outside of the Keratosis is touched. Any discomfort felt last just a matter of a few seconds only.

Following the treatment you may notice some redness, slight blistering or scabbing. Any of these affects will resolve naturally over the following few weeks.

seborrheic-keratosis on forehead
seborrheic-keratosis on forehead before and after

New smooth, un-blemished skin.

The treatment for Seborrhoeic Keratosis offers exceptional outcomes, resulting in smoother, unblemished skin. After the treatment, the body’s natural healing process begins, gradually replacing the treated lesions with fresh, healthy skin cells.

Moles or Seborrheic Keratosis?

A number of people believe that they have moles which they would like treated and removed. As an qualified skin revisionist, Jacqui is able to determine whether the blemishes are  Seborrheic Keratosis and not another similar form of skin lesion, such as a mole.

Jacqui has been treating skin lesions such as Seborrheic Keratosis since 2005 and, as such, is highly qualified to evaluate and treat this and all other skin lesions at the Beaconsfield skin clinic.

Contact her today to have a pre-appointment chat, possibly send a photo or two, and allow her to explain how she can help you by treating and removing any signs of Seborrhoeic Keratosis.


seborrheic-keratosis on forehead before and after

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Before and After Pictures

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Seborrheic Keratosis?

Seborrheic Keratosis (SK) can be known as seborrhoeic warts and basal cell papillomas. They are benign growths caused by a build-up of skin cells. SK are harmless, and often appear as brown or black, growths on the skin. More than half the men and more than a third of women in the UK have at least one SK. By the age of 40, 30% of the population are affected while by the age of 70 it increases to 75%. They are also found in younger people. The number of SK varies from person to person.

Are Seborrhoeic Keratosis infectious?

No, Seborrheic Keratosis are not infectious

Can Seborrheic Keratosis become cancerous

It is highly important that we protect our skin from the harmful UVA rays of the sun. Lack of protection from the sun can lead skin cancer in men and women. Although Seborrheic Keratosis does not lead directly to cancer, any signs of SK should be acknowledged and either removed by a skin specialist, such as Skin Revision, or at the very least be covered as much as possible whilst outdoors in the sun.

What does Seborrhoeic Keratosis look like?

Seborrhoeic Keratosis have a rough surface. They have a colour from pink to black. They can affect anyone, but on dark-skinned people they can also appear as a lot of small dark brown or black bumps. It is common for them to appear on the face and the neck (this is called Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra).

Small flat Seborrhoeic Keratosis can often become more raised and larger as the years go by. Their size varies from less than one centimetre to several centimetres across.

Seborrhoeic Keratosis are most common on the head and neck. The numbers vary and one person may have just one Seborrhoeic Keratosis whilst others may have many. Once present, they generally remain and new ones may appear over the years.

What are the symptoms of Seborrheic Keratosis?

Seborrheic Keratosis are nothing to do with sebaceous (oil) glands or viral warts. It is unknown what causes them, although prolonged exposure to sunlight is highly probable.
Seborrheic Keratosis are harmless, and usually do not cause symptoms. They can sometimes itch, become red and sore, and catch on clothing. Many people dislike the look of them, particularly when they occur on their faces.

How are Seborrhoeic Keratosis diagnosed?

Seborrhoeic Keratosis can look similar to a Melanoma. Once an enquiry has been made to Skin Revision, you will be asked to send appropriate photographs to show the Keratosis. You may be asked if you have seen a GP previously in relation to this skin leasion. If the skin expert, Jacqui Bannister, is unsure whether the lesion is safe to be treated, she will ask you to bring in a signed doctor’s note. If Jacqui Bannister, firmly believes it to be SK or the doctor’s note tells the same, then your Keratosis can be treated at the Beaconsfield skin clinic.

How can Seborrheic Keratosis be treated and removed?

Treatments for Seborrheic Keratosis are not funded by the NHS.
Seborrheic Keratosis do not need treatment as they are harmless and cause no symptoms; however, for those who wish to have them removed options with Skin Revision in Buckinghamshire include freezing them with CryoPen nitrous oxide (cryotherapy), or using heat cauterisation, such as Plaxel Plasma. The heat cauterisation of the Plasma spray ionised gases, causes the cell membrane of the wart to rupture the Keratosis cells and cut off their blood supply.

Are there any side effects or risks associated with these treatments?

Both CryoPen and Plaxel Plasma treatments are generally safe with minimal side effects. Potential side effects may include temporary redness, swelling, blistering, or scabbing at the treatment site. Rarely, there may be changes in skin pigmentation or scarring. During your skin consultation at Skin Revision you will get to understand how to minimise and side effects or risk, after your Seborrheic Keratosis treatment.

How many treatments are needed to remove a Seborrheic Keratosis?

The number of treatments required can vary depending on the size, age and depth of the Seborrheic Keratosis. Often, one to two sessions with CryoPen or Plaxel Plasma are generally sufficient to remove the growth, however, some of the larger Keratosis can take even more treatments. During your consultation at Skin Revision, our skin expert, Jacqui Bannister, will evaluate the type of Keratosis and discuss the amount of treatments that may be required for the skin to be blemish-free.

What are the different types of keratosis, and how do they differ?

There are several types of Keratosis, including:

Seborrheic Keratosis: Benign, wart-like growths that have a waxy, stuck-on appearance.
Actinic Keratosis: Pre-cancerous lesions caused by sun damage. It can potentially develop into squamous cell carcinoma if left untreated.
Keratosis Pilaris: A common, harmless condition characterised by small, rough bumps, typically on the arms, thighs, and cheeks.
Each type of keratosis has different causes and potential risks, so it’s important to have a professional diagnosis to determine the appropriate treatment.