Moles – Beaconsfield
At Skin Revision, we can remove moles from those aged 15 and over, and would consider two non-surgical options. Depending on the size and age of the moles, we would use either Plasma heat cauterisation or VeinAway.
Following your enquiry and telephone conversation, we may ask you forward us a photo of the moles you would like assessed and treated.
After this, you will be offered a MOLE DERMASCOPIC assessment within the clinic. The images scanned and captured would then be sent off for a report to our dermatologist. (a report received within 48 hours). Alternatively, you can make an appointment to see your GP for a doctor’s note, showing your moles are benign and suitable to proceed with removal at the clinic.
The mole removal treatment has minimal discomfort. The time taken to treat the moles will depend on the size and number of moles, but should be no longer than 2 minutes.
The cost of a mole treatment will depend on the size and age of the benign mole.