Some Really Great Tips on Removing Blackheads

What are Blackheads? It should be obvious by the name blackheads. But what is not really so well known is “what are blackheads” exactly? A black head or blackheads are very small (almost pin end size) that are dark in colour (hence black) that appear on the skin of men,…

What are Blackheads?

It should be obvious by the name blackheads. But what is not really so well known is “what are blackheads” exactly? A black head or blackheads are very small (almost pin end size) that are dark in colour (hence black) that appear on the skin of men, women, boys and girls. They can appear on any part of the body. Blackheads are present on any skin tone or colour. This maybe black skin, light asian skin, darker asian skin or white skin. They normally show up on the face and in particular around the nose, cheeks, eyes and chin.

Blackheads are commonly found on the face, particularly on the nose, but they can also appear on the chest, back, and arms.

Are Blackheads acne?

Blackheads are actually a type of acne. They will form when the pores on the face or body become clogged with everyday bacteria. The body naturally produces oil which is called sebum. It is produced by the sebaceous glands, which are located in the skin’s hair follicles. When the sebaceous glands produce too much oil, it can mix with dead skin cells, clog the pores and can often cause pimples, spots and acne if untreated.

What causes Blackheads?

Blackheads are caused by the accumulation of oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria that get into the pores of the skin. Once these pores are open, they will attract dirt, grim, dust and bacteria. As the face is the most exposed part of the body, is the reason why most blackheads appear on the face.

Why have I got Blackheads?

Unfortunately many people will find they have acne as it will run in the family. Genetics do play a large part for those who develop skin conditions and that includes those of suffer from blackheads and acne. However, a lot of the causes of blackheads is through lack of skincare knowledge. Clean hands, do not rub your face with dirty or unclean hands or fingers and do wash your hands with the appropriate unscented soap.

Can stress cause Blackheads?

Stress itself is unlikely to produce blackheads in their minor smaller form. But sadly, it is a contributing factor on occasions when it develops into the more noticeable and unpleasant spots or acne / pimples. Here are some other factors that can contribute to Blackheads.

  • Hormonal changes
  • Genetics
  • Use of certain medications
  • Poor hygiene
  • Use of oil-based skincare and makeup products
  • A diet which is high in sugar
  • Too many dairy products such as cheese, milk and chocolate

What are the tools to remove Blackheads?

There are no specific tools you should use when treating blackheads in the home or as part of your skincare routine. So if you are looking for “what is best for blackhead removal?“, it is best to think “how can I stop blackheads?” appearing in the first place. The one answer to giving yourself the best chance to prevent blackheads, is a good skincare regime.

There are several ways to treat blackheads:

  1. Cleanse: Regularly wash your face twice a day with an oil-free, gentle, cleanser. This will help remove excess oil, dirt, dust and bacteria from the skin’s pores.
  2. Exfoliate: Exfoliate your skin. This helps remove dead skin cells that clog pores. The clogged, blocked pores  lead to blackheads and occasionally acne, spots or pimples. Always take advice from an advanced skin therapist or practitioner before looking to exfoliate your facial skin. Many physical exfoliaters can do more harm than good. This is because if you take away too much skin and you create chances of skin damage from the sun, develop rashes or sores. There are plenty of serums and creams that can be used for the treatment and removal of blackheads. But be careful! Many of the bottled serum scrubs do not contain the right levels of ingredients. In some cases they do not contain the right ingredients at all. You are best with a natural exfoliating serum such as DMK  (micro gentle scrub)
  3. Using pore strips: Pore strips are adhesive strips that are placed on the skin and then removed, pulling out any dirt and oil that is stuck in the pores. These should be used with care around sensitive areas such as the eyes.
  4. Using over-the-counter acne treatments: These may well be fine for just mild blackheads (not clusters) and for the odd non-cystic acne. Some of the decent products contain ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, which can help to unclog pores and treat blackheads. Do speak to the pharmacist before purchase.
  5. Seek treatment from a professional that understands how to safely decongest and extract blackheads permanently (treatment and homecare). An advanced skin therapist or skin clinic, such as the skin clinic in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, will be able to discuss, treat and remove stubborn blackheads in no more than 2 treatments. They will be able to prescribe or at least inform you of the best skincare to use at home.

Some other tips for getting rid of blackheads:

  1. Try using a mask that contains clay or charcoal. This helps absorb excess oil.
  2. A retinoid cream can help unclog pores and prevent new blackheads from forming underneath the skin.
  3. Keep your hair clean and off your face to prevent oils from transferring from your hair, to your skin.
  4. Avoid using oil-based makeup and oil based skincare products on your face.
  5. Keep your hands clean to prevent inadvertently placing bacteria and oil on to your face.
  6. Drink plenty of water but ideally not with your meal.
  7. If your skin is healthy it often means you are healthy and will not have so many blackheads and or breakouts and blemishes of spots and pimples. Eat healthy and do regular exercise (but wash correctly after the exercise).

Why does removing Blackheads hurt?

When you try to remove blackheads with your fingers, tweezers or strips, it is likely to hurt.  You may be pinching the skin, which is painful in itself. But the area of blackheads that you are targeting, may well also be infected due to the bacteria build up in the pores. Squeezing an infected blackhead will hurt. Best be gentle, use the right soap, serums and scrubs or seek professional help.

How are blackheads best treated?

Blackheads are best treated at an advanced skin clinic such as the Skin Revision Clinic in Beaconsfield. Treatments such as DMK pro peel or Hydra Facial will be tailored to the individual’s needs. This is why a consultation is so important, as no two people have the same skin type.  Your skin care professional will give you an understanding of the results of blackhead removal that can be achieved, the amount of treatments, any reaction after treatment and the cost of blackhead removal treatment.

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