GlowLift – Non-Surgical Face Lift

Glowlift non-surgical face lift Facial Beaconsfield, Bucks

GlowLift. Non-Surgical Face Lift

Our non-surgical face lift treatment at the Beaconsfield clinic in Bucks, uses safe and highly effective microcurrents to sculpt, tone and contour the skin, including lifting and firming sagging jowls. By utilising low levels of electrical currents into the skin, we are able to work more freely and deeper into the facial, jowls and neck muscles, creating a younger more defined looking facial structure.

The Benefits of a non-surgical Face Lift?

A course of GlowLift non-surgical face lift treatments work on muscle memory and will naturally lift, tone, tighten and sculpt the skin and muscle tissues to create a younger look and feel to your face and saggy / sagging jowls.  By stimulating collagen and elastin and increasing the cellular activity within the muscles, your face, jowls and neck soon start to show your unique natural youthful contours.

At Skin Revision, we have moved away from the traditional microcurrent probes in favour of the facial toning microcurrent gloves. We believe that the charged gloves allows us to get a better feel of the individual muscles around the face, jowls and neck to work with them by holding and lifting for longer.

The bespoke microcurrent non-surgical face lift facial includes a cleanse, exfoliation, Tri-Wave LED light therapy and a soothing hydration mask.

from £125

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Glowlift non-surgical face lift Facial Beaconsfield, Bucks

How many treatments are required?

We believe that 6 and 10 non-surgical face-lift treatments are needed to determine the best results. Treatments can be performed once or twice a week. After a course of these GlowLift treatments, regular monthly treatments should be maintained. Courses are discounted.

What results can I expect from the Microcurrent gloves?

Your skin will feel smoother, brighter, more sculptured, more toned, lifted and tightened.

Is the treatment painful?

Microcurrent within aesthetics is not regarded as a painful experience. Before the toning and lifting treatment begins on your face and neck, we would regulate the microcurrent by touching your skin with the gloves. The idea is to get the balance just right, so that you feel the current working on the muscles, whilst having minimal discomfort. There maybe a tingling sensation felt in the skin, but it is not unpleasant. Additionally, you are in communication with our senior skin therapist Jacqui all of the time. The treatment is tailored to your skin, and so as the muscles become educated during your course, the strength of the microcurrent can be increased if necessary. These muscles contractions are a little like increasing weights at the gym over a number of weeks.

Glowlift non-surgical face lift Beaconsfield, Bucks
Glowlift non-surgical face lift Beaconsfield, Bucks

How does the non-surgical Face Lift treatment work?

Microcurrent gloves are a successfully proven alternative to traditional ball tip probes such as the “Caci” or “Ultimate” devices previously used for a microcurrent facial treatment.  The pair of 7E conductive microcurrent gloves are 100% silver threaded and low resistance, which makes them easy to glide over the skin.

A microcurrent session with these antimicrobial gloves will transmit low-level electrical stimulation, targeting microcurrent energy deep into the skin tissue and leading to highly effective toning, lifting, sculpting of the skin and a reduction of fine lines and wrinkles.

Glowlift non-surgical face lift Beaconsfield, Bucks

from £125

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Recommended treatment(s): 

Before and After Pictures

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of this Microcurrent treatment using gloves?

The Microcurrent gloves or facial muscle toning gloves, help tone, sculpt and tighten facial and neck muscles. The effect of the treatments helps reduce any sagging in the face to improve and enhance facial contours.
As the microcurrent gloves stimulate collagen and elastin production, the treatments can also help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
The gloves are a step up from the older traditional electrical probes because the therapist achieves a closer feel to the skin and she / he is more in touch. The gentle movements across all areas of the face and neck lead to an increase in blood circulation. This also improves skin texture and skin tone, making it appear smoother and more youthful.
Also, due to the cost and the fact that the treatments are non-invasive and pleasant, they are a popular alternative to surgical procedures.

These are electrical currents and therefore, is the treatment painful?

Microcurrent is not a painful experience. However, the intensity will vary from person to person. You may feel a tingling sensation, along with the occasional ‘jump’ as the current runs through the muscle.

What are the Microcurrent gloves?

Microcurrent gloves are designed to be used as an alternative to traditional ball tip probes or cotton tip probes, previously used for microcurrent facial treatments. They are an ideal way to provide a more detailed microcurrent treatment for facial lifting and toning. The pair of conductive microcurrent gloves are 100% silver threaded and low resistance, which makes them easy to glide on the facial skin or neck.

How are the muscles toned, sculpted and lifted?

An electrical current runs between the positive and negatively charged conductors (gloves). When both are in contact with your skin, the current flows through the muscles. This educates them to lift and tone.

There are 32 muscles to re-educate and lift and tone. However, just a very small amount of current is not enough by itself to stimulate the face. jowls and neck muscles, which is why the specific professional electric gloves are amazing for hands-on lifting and product penetration.

Why is the non-surgical face lift treatment so effective for sagging jowls?

Jagging jowls and areas around the neck are a common issue for ladies as there skin ages. The jowls become more loose as the collagen and elastin diminishes from an area that the skin was never too tight, even from an early age. The muscles also become more redundant. These muscles are brought back into life and educated to work harder by the mild electrical pulses generated from the microcurrents supplied. The jowls become firmer, tighter and lifted.

How many non-surgical face lift treatments are needed for the best results?

It is recommended that you have a course of 6 – 10 treatments initially. Ideally, you should have a minimum of 2 treatments per week. The facial and neck muscles will respond quicker and stay tighter if the treatments are compacted into a short timeframe. Following your course it is recommended to have at least one treatment per month to maintain the muscle lifting and toning.

Can anyone have a facial toning treatment with Microcurrent?

No. If you are diabetic, suffer from epilepsy, are pregnant, or have heart issues (such as a pacemaker fitted), microcurrent facials would not be suitable. Also, if you have chronic acne, the microcurrent may stimulate any inflammation that you may have. A small spot on the face however, would be fine to carry on treatment.

How many muscles in the face can be re-educated to tone and lift

There are 32 muscles in the face and each one of these can be targeted during the treatment.