Skin Tags

Skin Tags – Beaconsfield

Skin tags can occur anywhere on the body and often seen as small round, raised loose lumps of skin that may “flap” a little.

They can occur due to genetics (parents or siblings may have had them); by friction (rubbing of clothing, jewellery);  possibly if you have diabetes; high blood pressure; unhealthy blood sugar levels / unhealthy cholesterol levels). The most common methods for us to safely remove the tags with minimal discomfort is with VeinAway thermocoagulation, Plaxel Plasma heat cauterisation or medical-grade CryoPen. VeinAway is often the best option to treat smaller skin tags, looser, floopy tags around the eyes and eyelids.  Plaxel Plasma or Cryotherapy is often used to remove tags, especially larger skin tags with firmer bigger bases to the tags

Treating Skin Tags

Common areas for the skin tags to appear are the scalp, eyelids, face, breast, underarms, edges of the nose, above the lip, back, armpit, abdomen, tummy, back and groin. Skin Tags are most commonly found in adults of all skin tones and skin types and are removed swiftly and safely with minimal short discomfort with medical-grade technology at Skin Revision.

from £85

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How many Skin Tag treatments will be needed?

Generally for the larger skin tags, or if there are multiple tags, 1 -2 treatments are needed.  For the smaller tags, one treatment is usually enough if the correct aftercare is adhered to. If they are larger, then it will take more sessions to stop the  blood supply that feeds it. The ability of your body to break down the remains of the skin tag also plays a part in the time it takes for the tags to totally disappear.

Will the Tags return?

The tags will fall off naturally post-treatment after just a few days, if the aftercare is followed correctly, it cannot be guaranteed that other skin tags may appear on other areas of the face or body at some stage in the future. As we grow older, the liklihood of developing skin tags is greater.

Removal of skin tag under arm
Client review following skin tag treatment

Following your treatment, please note:

  • You may see a slight reddening/swelling and warmth around the treated area.
  • The skin tag may fall off relatively quickly or it may take a few weeks.
  • The skin may feel itchy as it heals. and so do not touch.
  • Keep the area dry and away from saunas and steam rooms for the first 48 hours.
  • Avod any other skin treatment that goes close to the treated area.
  • Protect area with a minimum SPF30 sunblock during recovery.
  • Pigmentation may occur if the treated area is exposed to unprotected sun within weeks of treatment.
  • Avoid scented perfume, fake tan creams, and sprays, and deodorants around the treated area.
Client review following skin tag treatment

from £85

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Recommended treatment(s): 

Before and After Pictures

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Skin Tags, and why do they occur?

Skin tags are small, benign growths that commonly appear on the skin’s surface. They usually occur in areas where skin rubs against skin or clothing, such as the neck, underarms, and groin. Although the exact cause is unknown, friction and genetics are believed to be a significant cause.

How does VeinAway, Plaxel Plasma and CryoPen work for Skin Tag removal?

VeinAway, Plaxel Plasma and CryoPen Cryotherapy are the effective methods we use to remove skin tags. VeinAway uses a targeted high-frequency current to seal the blood vessels feeding the skin tag, leading to its removal. Plaxel Plasma uses the ionised gas that produces Plasma when it hits the Oxygen in the air. The intense heat from the Plasma pinpoints directly onto the larger skin tags vapourises the cells that keep the skin tags alive. The CryoPen process involves freezing the skin tags at a very low temperature (-89 degress) by means of nitrous oxide}. The intense freezing causes the skin tags to significantly shrink and detach.

What is the cost of Skin Tag removal?

The price to have the skin tag removed will depend on both the size and the amount of tags to be removed. It is not uncommon for larger skin tags to take up to 3 sessions to be removed permanently. This would be due to the larger stems and roots of the tags. Therefore the cost to remove the tag will be from £85.

Which Skin Tag removal method is suitable for me?

The choice between VeinAway, Plaxel Plasma and CryoPen, depends on the size and location of the skin tag. Our Skin Revisionist, Jacqui Bannister, will discuss the condition of the tag, possibly over the phone. She will also assess the tag, in-clinic. The correct treatment procedure will then be determined.

Is Skin Tag removal treatment painful?

Both the VeinAway, Plasma and CryoPen treatments are relatively painless procedures. You may experience slight discomfort during treatment, but it is generally well-tolerated by patients.

Do you do Skin Tag removal treatment for eyelids and around the eyes?

We do treat skin tags on the eyelids and around the eyes. There is a little discomfort but the results are very successful. The treatment should permanently remove the skin tags at the skin clinic and there will be no need for products. Skin tags around the eyes are very common especially on men as they age. From the Buckinghamshire skin clinic, to treat and remove the skin tags from the eye, and next to the eye, is a safe procedure when performed by an experienced and highly quaified skin expert.

How long does a Skin Tag removal session take?

The time taken can vary depending on the number and size of skin tags being treated. On average, each treatment session may last between 1 minute and 15 minutes, depending on the number of skin tags to be removed. We will provide you with a more accurate estimate during your skin assessments, prior to any treatments.

Are there any side effects or risks associated with Skin Tag removal?

Skin tag removal using either VeinAway, Plasma or CryoPen is a safe and minimally invasive. However, as with any procedure, there may be slight risks, such as temporary redness, mild swelling, or scabbing at the treatment site. These side effects usually resolve on their own within a few days

How many sessions are required for complete Skin Tag removal?

For small skin tags a single session is normally sufficient to remove the skin tag. However, the number of sessions required may vary depending on the size, location, and individual response to treatment. We will provide a personalised treatment plan during your assessment over the phone and in-person.

Can Skin Tag removal be carried out through the NHS or my doctor?

Deemed as a cosmetic non-surgical procedure, it is highly likely that you will not be able to have the skin tag removed by your doctor or through the NHS. Skin tags are not harmful but can be an inconvenience or annoying. If you believe the lesion a lesion but are unsure as to what it is, then it is always advisable to speak to your local GP and get an assessment. It may be that the lesion is not a skin tag and is in fact a skin lesion that the doctor or GP, would like a dermatologist to look at again, and possibly have a biopsy.